my week of work experience
As a student of Fran, littlewing photos
by bella. dg
self portrait Lectoure 25th of January 2023 by Bella
as a 15 year old student in the south of france, work experience is necessary for school, yet it can become complicated to find. so, when the opportunity to shadow fran, littlewing photos, arose i was instantly interested in learning more about the world of media and photography. The week of work experience being in january, i wasn’t able to observe fran in her element at weddings, so in consequence, fran created a fantastic week of discovery right in her home and in the surrounding towns.
After learning the basics about the exposure triangle, we wrapped up warmly and braced ourselves for the cold, snowy day, to try and take some photos of the winter in the gers, to practice using a camera and to put to work what i had learned that morning.
snowy view of the winding roads, bare trees and rolling fields in le sauvetat, 23rd of january 2023
Day 2
After meeting in the town square of fleurance, on market day, we started by taking photos of the town, and attempting to adapt the exposure depending on the different lightings. I also learnt to keep an eye open for reflections and how to stay aware and cordial when photographing in public spaces.
Fleurance’s archways and fran’s model walk, fleurance January 24th 2023.
Day 3
Following a lovely start to the morning with the creation of a slideshow for a previous wedding, Fran and i, packed up our cameras and tripod and set off to lectoure. upon arrival we set up are tripod in front of the entrance to the town and posed for a little self-portrait with the lions (we did get a few confused looks from the passers by). After entering the town i decided to take a few photos of the narrow roads looking out on the gorgeous view of the countryside (though the view was practically invisible because of the low clouds and covered sky).
During the afternoon of the 25th of january, i practiced my portrait taking skills, learning how different lighting will enhance different features.
Day 4
During are breath of fresh air, walking the dogs in the forest, i felt the need to capture a few images of the beauty surrounding us, whilst doing so i learnt a very important lesson : always check your battery before leaving or bring an extra one with you just in case. Seeing as we didn’t follow that cautious rule these were the nicest images i was able to take, but i find that they depict the scenery in a simplistic manner.