During a european heatwave i headed up to la cannonerie as an associate photographer for the wedding of s & t.
with planner julia hatton of chatelaine events running the day it i felt confident stepping in at the last minute as julia is one of the best.
the heat was visibly rising up from the road as i left my accommodation on the wedding day morning. i stopped by an old church en route and entered. It was without many ornaments or decor but it was a calm and cool haven. getting back to the road i drove past fields of vines with ripening fruit and dry earth.
S & t were extremely gracious in their welcoming of me (meeting me for the first time) and trusting me to capture their day on behalf of another colleague.
with planner julia hatton of chatelaine events running the day it i felt confident stepping in at the last minute as julia is one of the best.
all was calm with a little feeling of nervousness within the bride prep house. the dress was hung from a beam, the windows allowed in a slight breeze and there were three generations of family present. i set to work and moved around the venue, knocking on doors of the various houses to see if i could enter to catch a little bit of what was going on as these are the parts of the day the bride doesn’t usually get to witness.
a change of plan was smoothly performed by julia and her team. the ceremony (sensibly) would now be indoors. the flowers would be saved. the guests seemed relieved.
and the day began to unfold.
Venue La cannonerie, planner julia hatton, chatelaine events, celebrant gaynor of ceremonies in france, catering loveage & pumpernickel, cake & macaroons by invitation au delice, flowers by jenny of our fabulous things, dj james carr british dj in france