pre wedding meet up in lectoure, gascony
Lectoure - a former bastide this small town sits atop a big hill and has the most incredible views - except on a gloomy February morning when I met up with L & L ahead of their wedding in Gers later this year.

Le Pelat, gascony
The track to Chateau Pelat which you arrive at from the outskirts of the large village of Jegun, Gers reveals glimpses of an ancient compound - a gate tower connected to a stone enclosure - the stone main house beyond, a circular tower attached.

Gangsters & flappers
“And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves growing on the trees, just as things grow in fast movies, I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer.”
F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby

planning at The Castelnau
Driving the 20 minutes or so through narrow and winding country roads, climbing up and rolling down hills, wary of oncoming tractors my foot hovers close to the brake, the sky starts to darken and rain begins to softly fall.

dreams of a chateau wedding
An ancient gate sits pushed open against a high stone pillar. The old entrance brings you past the gatehouse into the park. It is November. Giant and dry leaves from mature plane trees swirl in low, small circles yet the overall impression is of green - not of a garden about to sleep over winter.

Gabe makes the decision to be baptized.
Witnessed by his cousins and a family friend but with the absence of his extended family of grandparents, aunts, uncles strongly felt , this artistic, dreamer of a child lowered his head over a copper bowl as Pére Charles performed the ancient watery rite.