a castelnau des fieumarcon full on non stop fun filled wedding
When two talented individuals come together, they create the most incredible wedding. Four days of fun at this unique venue will be four days everyone will remember with great fondness. It was non stop & fabulous.
I photographed and filmed this wedding and caught the audio of the 6…..yes, 6 speeches. It was moving, funny, mad and hot, hot, hot. Everyone was bright and beautiful. I had two cameras overheat at the same time due to 37 degree direct sun but the show must go on and it did. What a fabulous four days from a family dinner the first night, village bar crawl/welcome drinks the next, followed by the wedding day and then finally a day of rest? No. They had a netball match, bbq lunch and then pool party!
All of this was organised with extremely capable and can-do Nick of La Boutique Events
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