Lectoure, Gers - a pre wedding photo session
A hot July afternoon in Lectoure, Gers, south west France, I met up with A & D ahead of their wedding at Chateau de Puissentut.
A pre wedding meeting and photo session is great for both myself and the couple as it allows us to get to know each other and means the couple are less stressed when I turn up with my cameras on the wedding day.
I had a lot of fun with this couple who were very much themselves.

warm feet = happy feet
So when The Cambridge Sock Company asked me to photograph some of their socks I put my best sock clad foot forward. Having had a pair of their super duper thick amazing 70 percent mohair pink socks for a couple of years I would definitely feel confident in promoting the brand.

lockdown II and some whipped cream
16 years married on this unseasonably warm day and first day of full lockdown no. II in France………oh and it is my birthday.
a bottle of champagne and some whipped cream later
in the kitchen
………………….with the kids (what were you thinking?)

samedi - family documentary film
After a few months break I realised the gold that is having the family documentary films of my own family. Having recently revisited the Covid series of films that started me off I was stunned by how much the kids had changed within a matter of months.

Gabe makes the decision to be baptized.
Witnessed by his cousins and a family friend but with the absence of his extended family of grandparents, aunts, uncles strongly felt , this artistic, dreamer of a child lowered his head over a copper bowl as Pére Charles performed the ancient watery rite.