lockdown II and some whipped cream

16 years married on this unseasonably warm day and first day of full lockdown no. II in France………oh and it is my birthday.


a bottle of champagne and some whipped cream later

in the kitchen

………………….with the kids (what were you thinking?)

And between us (Sean, LF, Enzo & myself on a Fujifilm XT3 ) we captured some of the fun including Gabe trying to beat up his older brother for smearing cream all over his face with Gabe’s own hand.

If you’d ever wondered what documentary family photography is, this is it. Including out of focus photos where they are important in the story and in the memory because real life isn’t re-touched (but can be edited in bnw to maintain the mood and the spirit of the evening). Hiccup.

fran corbett

Photographer & videographer based in France & UK

video - ordinarydaysfilms.com


warm feet = happy feet


portrait of an artist