warm feet = happy feet

Iā€™m convinced of this.

I nag my kids about having something on their feet; that if they insist on walking around on cold stone floors they will succumb to all sorts of infections. It might even be true. They donā€™t listen either way.

So when The Cambridge Sock Company asked me to photograph some of their socks I put my best sock clad foot forward. Having had a pair of their super duper thick amazing 70 percent mohair pink socks for a couple of years I would definitely feel confident in promoting the brand.


These are not ordinary socks; these are luxury socks at reasonable prices. These are sexy socks to soothe our well trodden feet.


they wash well time after time. Using mohair & alpaca wool, they are made in the UK.

Have a look at the companyā€™s website (click on the company name, above) and consider getting your Christmas gifts order in and ticked off your To Do list.

fran corbett

Photographer & videographer based in France & UK

video - ordinarydaysfilms.com


dreams of a chateau wedding


lockdown II and some whipped cream