A & M Pre wedding in Penne D’agenais

a pre wedding garden photo session, Gascony
A pre wedding session with a Austrian/English couple in a beautiful home and garden in Gascony, south west France;

pre wedding session, chateau de puissentut
S & D were on a european trip from their home in australia so i took the opportunity to meet up with them at the beautiful chateau de puissentut ahead of their wedding.

pre wedding session, La RÉole
S & L were staying in Cognac visiting their venue La Cannonerie so we decided to meet at a point between where I live and where they were staying and after a bit of research I came upon la réole.

planning at The Castelnau
Driving the 20 minutes or so through narrow and winding country roads, climbing up and rolling down hills, wary of oncoming tractors my foot hovers close to the brake, the sky starts to darken and rain begins to softly fall.

dreams of a chateau wedding
An ancient gate sits pushed open against a high stone pillar. The old entrance brings you past the gatehouse into the park. It is November. Giant and dry leaves from mature plane trees swirl in low, small circles yet the overall impression is of green - not of a garden about to sleep over winter.

i’m obsessed with filming trees
I think that moving trees, leaf filled branches dancing in light and wind should be in every video. That said I also think trees should be in every photo. Not very practical but another of my creative fran-tastic ideas.

An English garden Wedding in Gascony
La Romieu - one of the most charming villages in Gascony, faded powder blue shutters, rambling climbing plants, grey and warm coloured stone, with the 14th century Collégiale Saint Pierre stone cloister & towers attracting tourists and locals all throughout the year also boasts a garden of 6 hectares created by a well known botanist in 1975.